+34 948 286 006
Polígono Industrial Arazuri-Orkoien Calle C, Nº 1, 31160 Orkoien (Navarra, Spain)

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The latest investment made at IRUMOLD has been a high-speed machining centre:  a 5-axis Yasda with built-in robot. The space available in the new building to which we moved in 2022 makes it possible for us to expand our workshop in order to meet our production needs. IRUMOLD once again relies on the highest technology...

Inversión hilo

The last investment that has been made at IRUMOLD has been a wire erosion machine. Thanks to this latest generation equipment we will be able to increase our capacity and automation. Together with this machine there are now three wire erosion machines that we currently have in operation in this portion of the workshop. IRUMOLD...